Analisis Nilai Sosial dalam Novel Siti Nurbaya Karya Marah Rusli
This research aims to analyze the contents of Marah Rusli Siti Nurbaya novel. The author
in this study, wants to analyze the social values that exist in the short story of Siti Nurbaya which
is divided into three studies in social values, namely social values related to divinity, social
values related to individuals, and social values related to society. The method used in this study
is a qualitative method, a method that describes and analyzes each part of the contents in relation
to social values in the novel and describes social values in the novel so that the writer can
distinguish between the social values of God, individuals, and society. The author chose this
method because this method is suitable to be used as a way to analyze the social values contained
in the novel Siti Nurbaya, so that the analysis of the novel is easier and the author can present the
results of the analysis carefully, accurately and in detail and distinguish the social values
contained in the novel.
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