Analisis Unsur Instrinsik dan Kritik Sosial pada Kumpulan “Puisi Surat” Kopi Karya Joko Pinurbo serta Pemanfaatannya sebagai Bahan Ajar di SMA

  • Mohamad Yusup unma
Keywords: intrinsic, criticism, teaching materials


This research aims to describe the intrinsic elements and social criticism in the poetry collection "Surat Kopi" by Joko Pinurbo to be used as teaching material for literary appreciation in high school. This research uses a qualitative descriptive type or approach, literature study methods and content analysis techniques. The steps used by researchers in collecting data are as follows: (1) transcription of data from the form of reading the entire content of the poem to be studied; (2) determine the form of intrinsic elements and social criticism; (3) determine the meaning contained in poetry related to intrinsic elements and social criticism; (4) grouping data; (5) draw conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis of the thirty poems in the Surat Kopi anthology by Joko Pinurbo, there are thirty poems which are included in the intrinsic elements which are studied from the physical structure, namely: diction, figurative language, imagery, rhyme, rhythm and typography. As well as the inner structure, namely: theme, feeling, tone and atmosphere, purpose or message. The social criticism includes 4 poems including the Education Sector, 4 poems including the Economic Sector, 5 poems including the Religious Sector, 7 poems including the Moral Sector, 6 poems including the Family Sector, 1 poem including the Cultural Sector, 1 poem including the Gender Sector, and 2 poems including Political Field. The thirty poems in the Surat Kopi anthology by Joko Pinurbo can be used as learning material for literary appreciation in the independent curriculum in high school. This poetry can be studied from intrinsic elements, namely physical structure and inner structure as well as social criticism, which are included in contemporary poetry

How to Cite
Yusup, M. (2023). Analisis Unsur Instrinsik dan Kritik Sosial pada Kumpulan “Puisi Surat” Kopi Karya Joko Pinurbo serta Pemanfaatannya sebagai Bahan Ajar di SMA. Jurnal Artikula, 6(2), 36-44.