Analisis Penggunaan Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa dalam Buku Biografi “Mohammad Hatta Hidup Jujur dan Sederhana Untuk Indonesia” Serta Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Bahan Ajar
The aim of this research is to describe the diction used in the biography of Mohamad Hatta by Anom Wahani Wicaksana to describe the language style used by the author in the biography. This research is qualitative in nature. The object of this research is a biography book by Anom Wahani Wicaksan. The data source in this research is biography. Data collection techniques in this research used listening and note-taking techniques. The validity used is theoretical triangulation. The data analysis technique used is the note-taking method using the technique of selecting certain elements. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that Mohammad Hatta's biography uses several diction and language styles. The diction contained in Mohammad Hatta's biography includes: (1) descriptive diction, (2) connotative (3) abstract words. 4, concrete words. The language styles used in Mohammad Hatta's biography are: (1) hyperbolic language style, (2) personification language style, (3) metaphorical language style, and (4) eponymous language style. The most dominant language style used in Mohammad Hatta's biography is the personification style of language. This is because Biography of Mohammad Hatta wants to convey a message that is very useful for readers by animating the content of the story in it, so that the story can become more lively and add variety and avoid monotonous things that can make readers bored.
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