Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Integratif terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Kelas XI SMK Negeri 5 Pandeglang
This research aims to determine the influence of the Integrative learning model on students of XI SMK Negeri 5 Pandeglang. This research was conducted using the experimental method. Class XI students for the 2023/2024 academic year were used as the population. The samples taken were classes BDP1 and BDP2 with a total of 61 students. The sample technique uses purposive sampling. The results of posttest calculations using the Integrative learning model obtained Mean (x ̅) = 81.06, Median (Me) = 81.00, Mode (Mo) 80.00, Variance = 21.596, and Standard Deviation = 4.647. Meanwhile, post-test calculations using the Learning Togrther learning model for data processing obtained Mean (x ̅) = 73.47, Median (Me) = 74.50, Mode (Mo) 75, Variance = 15.568, and Standard Deviation = 3.946. Based on the data above, it can be said that the Integrative learning model is stated to be good, while the Learning Together learning model is stated to be sufficient.From the results of the analysis above, it can be concluded that there is a positive influence of the use of the Integrative learning model on the ability to write explanatory texts in class XI students at SMK Negeri 5 Pandeglang
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