Identitas Bahasa Sunda Masyarakat Cisolok, Sukabumi
(Kajian Sosiodialektologi)
This study discusses the Sundanese identity of the Cisolok people, Sukabumi in terms of dialectology and geographical factors that influence it. This study aims to find out how language identity and geographical influence. This research uses a descriptive method because it requires existing data as it is or is an interpretation of what it is. The results of this research explain that Cisolok Sundanese has become a language identity in the Cisolok area with its Sundanese language resembling Sundanese Banten, its loud, swaying and clear dialect at the end of syllables and geographical location or environmental factors in the Cisolok area affect the language of speakers in the local community. With a coastal location, bordering the Banten area and close to the mountains.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Henri Henriyan Al Gadri

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