Analısıs Penggunaan Campur Kode dalam Ulasan Produk Kecantıkan pada Aplıkası Shopee : Kajıan Sosıolınguıstık
This research is motivated by the use of a lot of code mixing used by buyers in reviewing and evaluating products that have been purchased on the Shopee online shopping application. The purpose of this study is to describe to describe the types of code mixing in beauty product reviews on the shoppe application. The method of providing data uses the method of listening, and the technique of note-taking. The results obtained are as a type of descriptive qualitative research using Suardi's theory which analyzes the types of code mixing, namely internal code mixing, external code mixing, and mixed code mixing. The data analysis technique is used by studying the types of code mixing in beauty product reviews in the shopee application. The results of this study obtained 35 code-mixed data. With details, there are internal code mixing obtained 7 data with all 61 words consisting of 43 Indonesian words and 18 regional languages, external code mixing obtained 20 data with a total of 333 words consisting of 256 Indonesian and 77 English. Mixed code mixing obtained 8 data with a total of 580 words consisting of Indonesian 410 words, English 122 words and Regional language 48 words
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